Monday, August 13, 2012

Like Mother, Like Son

We all know that CW  is a smaller version of his father. He walks, talks, plays, and even laughs like him. Imagine my (slight) disappointment. I would like my son to have some of my traits too. And as soon as I was beginning to lose hope my son begins to remind me of ME!

In the past week, I have seen the dramatic side of CW. (Anyone who knows me should know that I am dramatic). When he goes to the daycare at the gym, he begins his day by dropping dead. Yes, my son enters the room and falls to the ground. He stays there for a minute or so, then gets up and runs to play Mario (a video game they have at the center). Most importantly, my son showed the "true actor" in him when he cut his bottom toe. This guy put on a show for the masses. He began screaming "I hurt my toe. It hurts so  bad. What am I going to do?". When I began to bandage the cut, he states, "Mommy, this hurts really bad. This is too much pain. I can't bare it. I can't do anything. I'm gonna just sit here and wait for the pain to go away.". (I barely touched it and he began wailing in misery). Throughout the entire process I thought, "This is something I would say and do as a kid.".

Another trait that is similar: LOVE FOR NEEDLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As a child I loved going to the doctor's office, especially if it meant that I would receive a shot. I loved watching the nurse prepare the needle, finding a suitable vein, entering the needle into the vein, and watching the blood go up into the tube. (I know...I was a weird little kid). CW loves the entire process too. At the allergist on Friday, I thought he would be petrified of the needle, but he wasn't. He just watched the nurse do her job. My son didn't flinch. He didn't even think about crying. I was so proud!!!!!!!!!!

So, yes my son is a mini version of his father, BUT he does have some of my traits AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!


Monday, August 6, 2012


During the middle of summer school I was highly worried about one of my students who refused to read or write. The only thing he would do was  draw (ALL DAY LONG). Well, summer camp ended August 3rd and I am proud to say that I accomplished what I thought was the impossible.

By the end of the summer, this student was able to write his first name, recognize letters and numbers, and wanted to practice writing his letters and numbers. HE is the bright spot of my summer. After being slapped in the face by a four year old, told to shut up, a few colds, and lack of sleep, at least I can say I accomplished one good thing for one student.

I would like to thank everyone who gave me suggestions and feedback on how to help this student. This being able to accomplish so much in 6 weeks is why I became a teacher in the first place.

First Blog Post:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Daddy CAN Curse

This morning CW and I were listening to the radio when one of the DJs said the word "ass". Immediately, CW says, "That's a bad word. You aren't suppose to say bad words. It's bad to curse." I was elated that he knows what to say, but the next few comments were shocking.

Here is the conversation:

Me: Yes, CW! You are not suppose to curse.
CW: It's bad to curse. I am not going to curse, BUT daddy can curse.
Me: Why is it okay for daddy to curse?
CW: Daddy can curse when he wants. He likes to curse. He is the only person who can curse.
Me: Can mommy curse?
CW: No. Only daddy when he wants to. He likes to curse. He's good at it. (Begins to laugh hysterically)

I didn't have a response. I didn't even know what to say. The good side: He knows he shouldn't curse and he will get into trouble if he does. The bad side: He thinks that it is okay for his daddy to curse whenever. (MAYBE IT'S NOT A BAD THING)

This conversation with my son demonstrated how much CW idolizes and respects his father and his actions. I am glad that he has a male role model and wants to be like him. (Even though, CW is already a MINI HIM)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Swimming Disappointment

I can barely swim. In fact I didn't even learn to swim until I was 22. I know that if I had to swim for my life most likely I will die. I don't really like to get in pools or oceans for this reason.You may say that I am afraid of the water.

Because of my lack of experience swimming I have been adamant about CW learning to swim ASAP. Last year, we took a Mommy and Me class, Level 1 class, then Level 2. When he didn't pass Level 2, I decided to stop swimming lessons because I didn't think he was ready for it. Rather than trying to learn the techniques, he was splashing other kids with water, trying to play with the duck. Basically, everything he wasn't suppose to do.

This summer I decided it was time to try again. He is older and focuses a LITTLE BIT more. CW began swimming lessons about six weeks ago. These classes have been interesting. Sometimes he pays attention with no problems throughout the 30 minutes. Other times he is too busy trying to splash himself and the instructor because he thinks it is funny. Overall, his behavior has been better this time around.

He retook the Level 2 class and I had high hope s he would pass. But I was wrong. CW didn't even care today. He wanted to play in the water, especially with the noodles. CW failed because he couldn't float on his front or back for 5 seconds. Ironically, last year he was able to float on his front and only failed by one technique: floating on back. (Which wasn't a surprise because since he was born he hasn't liked being put on his back.)

So, now he has to take Level 2 for the THIRD time. I hope that he passes and moves on to Level 3. I hate seeing my child fail.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Child That NEVER STOPS EATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With the child obesity epidemic in America, I am extremely careful what I feed my son. I don't want him to become another statistic, but most importantly I don't want him to have health problems that CAN BE prevented. But my question is how do you feed a child who is always hungry?

CW eats ALL day long. Every 1-2 hours he is ready for a meal. (Sometimes after he finishes eating a meal he is still hungry). For example, it is only 11:40 and my son has eaten the following:

Breakfast: Orange Juice, Grapes, Orange, Two blueberry muffins, White Milk, Cheerios, and Slice of Lemon

Lunch: Turkey Sandwich, Strawberries, Popcorn, Chocolate Milk, Salad with dressing, Peaches, and Applesauce

(He was still hungry after lunch)

Are these normal eating behaviors? My son's teacher is surprised that he can eat so much and then want more.

I just know that he continues to eat me out of house and home.

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!! Part 3: Hitting, Pushing, and Kicking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last week, I was slapped in the face by a student. He was suspended from camp until Friday. His parents reprimanded him in front of the class. But, on his return he hit a teacher assistant and had to be reprimanded again.

After all the bad behavior he demonstrated last week, can you believe he came to camp with brand new Jordans? Yes, the Jordans that came out on 7/20. I am thinking it doesn't matter what this boy does he will get what he wants when he wants it.   Now I understand why he says, "No!!!" and "Shut up" when he doesn't get his way. HE IS SPOILED ROTTEN AND WHEN HE DOESN'T GET HIS WAY HE HAS A TANTRUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I am not surprise today when he got into trouble and went ABSOLUTELY CRAZY. He pushed another student into the water fountain. He told an assistant to shut up as he tried to kick him. Then, he ran around the building screaming "LEAVE ME ALONE!" to the Dean of Students.

I don't blame him for his actions. He doesn't know better. If I was his age I would do whatever I wanted if I knew that I would get whatever I wanted. He doesn't understand that there are repercussions for specific behaviors AND he WON'T LEARN until his parents teach him.

Dealing with this child has taught me to be consistent with my son and give him consequences for bad behavior. I don't want my son to be anything like this little boy. I want to ensure my son knows that there are consequences for some of your actions. This whole experience has been enlightening.

Friday, July 20, 2012


Today is Fun Friday at my camp. We played connect four, had a dance party, and played outside on the black top. When suddenly I notice a ringworm on one of my students. The ringworm was clear as day on her upper arm.

Now, a lot of children get ringworm. It is the territory that comes with being a kid, BUT it isn't alright when a parent sends a child to school with it knowingly. After asking the little girl what was on her arm, she said, "It's a ringworm. My mommy saw it yesterday and said she was going to put ointment on it but she didn't.". WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In my head, I am thinking that your mother knew you had it and didn't do anything about it. SHE DIDN'T EVEN PUT A BANDAGE ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all know that ringworm can be highly contagious. So, now it is a possibility that others in the class may have it, including myself. I AM SO UPSET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am upset at the girl's parents. There was no reason to bring her to camp today, especially without treating the problem.

Parents, please DO NOT send your child with contagious diseases such as pink eye and ringworm to school. You can cause a class epidemic. This type of negligence is hurtful and detrimental to others' health. Please be mindful of others. THAT IS ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!! Part 2: The Hitting

There was an incident a couple weeks ago where a student told me to shut up repeatedly. He was extremely disobedient and at first refused to apologize. However, the issue was addressed and he hasn't been a problem until TODAY!!!!!!!

Today, he came to camp with a new haircut and a new attitude. He wouldn't stop talking during breakfast, he was playing with his food, and began dancing around the classroom. When I told him to go to timeout, he refused. He wouldn't budge. I walked him to timeout and he ran away screaming Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally, I caught him and the unthinkable happen. The boy slapped me in the face.

When this little boy slapped me in the face it took all the restraint in the world not to spank him. In my seven years of teaching I have never been hit or slapped. I was in disbelief and all I saw was red. Fortunately, I was able to keep my composure, escort him out of the room, and took him to the office.

Immediately, I called his mother. Within 20 minutes the boy's parents were at the camp and he was reprimanded. They made him apologize to me in front of the class AND he had to apologize to the class. He was also suspended from camp for the rest of the week.

The boy was disciplined immediately. Even though the slap should have never happened, his parents addressed the issue in the correct way and the boy learned a lesson. I just wish more parents would do the same. Young children make mistakes, but it is OUR job as parents to correct them and discuss appropriate behaviors.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

That's MY Mommy!!!!!!!!

As CW's problem with sharing begins to dwindle away, a new problem has occurred. CW is now completely and utterly JEALOUS of my students and the relationship I have with them.

Since, I am teaching 4 and 5 year old students this summer I decided to put CW in the same camp. I wanted him to continue learning this summer and spend the day with me. Now, I am not sure that was a good decision.

CW is in the class next door and he always finds a way into my room to get a hug, kiss, tell me what he is doing, or discover what I am doing. Oh, that's cute is what you may think and it is. BUT, it isn't cute how he acts towards my students.

My son gets highly upset if one of my students comes near me. "Don't touch my mommy!" is the common phrase coming out of his mouth as of late. A few days ago one of my students said, "I love you, Ms. Alexander". CW overheard and ran to the little boy and told him not to say that again. CW was infuriated, hit the little boy and stated, "Only I can love my mommy. You can't love her. She is mine.". The little boy was so confused and told me that my son was really mean. Reminder, my son is younger than all of the students I teach. Yesterday, he told one of my female students: "That's my mommy and you can't touch her! Get off of her NOW!". The little girl was devastated and walked away on the verge of tears. (I felt so bad for the girl).

I am trying to explain to CW that I am a teacher and my job is to help other kids. I want him to understand that I can comfort and have relationships with other children. I want him to know that I can care for other children and it doesn't mean that I love HIM any less.

CW gave me an angry look as if I took away his favorite toy. Hopefully, the continuous discussions and explanations will help him understand my occupation and love for children and teaching.

Sharing = SUCCESS

Earlier this week I discussed how CW was able to share with a complete stranger at McDonald's. At first  I  thought this was a once in a lifetime moment, but I WAS WRONG!!!!!!! Every since Monday, CW has been sharing everywhere he goes. He is now a nonstop sharer.
Before swimming class, CW saw a little boy upset because he couldn't play with CW's toy basketball. As the boys began to cry, CW said, "Hey, we can play together! You want to share?". The two began playing and shared the ball and CW's computer. I was so amazed by how CW has changed in a matter of weeks. A few other kids came over and wanted to play too. "Sure we can take turns." was my son's response. He monitored all the children and ensured everyone had a turn.

At camp CW saw one of my students crying because he doesn't like camp and isn't making any friends. My son says, "It's okay! Hey do you want to play with me. You can share my computer. We can be friends." CW's words and actions were so sweet and compassionate. (Part of me wanted to cry with tears of joy.) I was so amazed and proud of my little sweetie.

This week has been enlightening. I have seen my child who wouldn't share anything with anyone become a considerate young man who shows sympathy, compassion and empathizes with his peers. (Well at least when it comes to sharing.)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Are YOU Serious??? Pt. 2

How are we going to tell our children that fighting isn't the answer when we ourselves get into brawls? Parents MUST set the example. This video is unbelievable!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sharing Issue Pt. 2

After work I decided to take CW to McDonald's for ice cream and fries. As we sat down to eat, CW began to have an admirer. This admirer said he had a great personality and was a pleasant child. The admirer, an elderly woman began to make conversation with CW. As they continued the conversation she asked him for a fry. (I'm thinking this is not going to be pretty.) To my surprise, he gave her a fry without hesitation. "Here," he says.

What? Did my son just share? Could it be that he is learning?

The admirer was so shocked that he was willing to share with her, a complete stranger. (SO WAS I!) She began to talk about how difficult it is to get children, especially his age to share. (Tell  me about it. Little does she know a week ago CW was pushing kids out of his way so he wouldn't have to share.) She told me to keep up the good work and I was good mother.

Wow! Her compliment made my day. I am always doubting my decisions as a mother and wondering if I am doing the best for my child. It was nice to have a complete stranger compliment CW's behavior and my parenting.

I hope the next time he goes to the gym daycare he will share that Mario video game. Fingers Crossed

"I DON'T READ, Ma'am"

Last school year, one of my students told me "I don't read, ma'am". This statement was a shock to me. I couldn't believe a 12 year old could be blunt enough to tell her teacher this. I asked her why she doesn't read. Her response, "I just don't like it and I don't want to ma'am:" Well, at least I can say the student was polite and had manners.

Today, a five year old told me "I don't want to write. I don't write". This little boy is going to Kindergarten and can't write his name or any letters in the alphabet. He refuses to try. All he wants to do is make drawings for me. I have worked with him one-on-one and it still doesn't help. I am afraid for his future, especially if he hates schools and refuses to do any work at the age of 5.

Now, CW says "I don't want to". All kids say that once in a while. But, he has NEVER said "I don't want to read or write." In fact, sometimes when I am tired he still makes me read to him or practice writing his letters. Overall, he loves school and wants to continue to learn. He is excited about learning too. Getting an education is a message that has been installed in him since the day he was born. We work with him and reiterate the importance of an education every day. He knows that he is going to college. (His father has already programmed him to think that he is going to NC State). 

My question is: How do I get this five year old student excited about learning? I REFUSE to give up on him. He is only 5. Any suggestions?

Sunday, July 8, 2012


As an English teacher I HATE when my students use incorrect grammar, especially when they use the wrong verb and/or verb tense. My pet peeve are students saying "You is" and  "I be".  I always reiterate that there are different times and places where you can speak a specific way.  I call it your professional speech and I am around my friends and family I can speak anyway I want.

I always correct my students and after constant reminders they begin to speak correctly (for the most part). So imagine me having to come home and hear my son say "Yes I are". Oh my god I wanted to SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I purposely speak correctly around him, so HE won't make this type of mistake.

Now...I understand he is learning the English language and children his age can make those errors. However, IT IS SO ANNOYING AND AGGRAVATING. Hearing that phrase makes me squirm in my seat. But, I am not going to let CW see me sweat.

I am using patience. I corrected him several times to ensure that he will answer the correct way.  I said, "No CW. You don't say yes I are. Instead you say yes I am." His response, "Okay, mommy I won't say yes I are. It's yes I am." A few minutes later I asked him if he was going to the bathroom. His response, "Yes I are!". In my head I am thinking we JUST had this conversation. It went in one ear and out the other. He didn't remember.

I reminded him of the conversation we had previously. And...I had him repeat the correct statement to me to ensure he remembers what to say. Now..he says he remembers. I guess I will find out shortly if he does.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Towards the end of the school year one of my students wrote an essay discussing her "Tiger Parents". She said that her parents didn't believe in failure and that it was necessary for her to be the best at everything, especially her studies. Her "Tiger Parents" are competitors and expect the same of her. She is expected to excel at all cost and is afraid that she won't meet her parents' expectations.

I began thinking about her and the essay today when my son participated in his bowling tournament. My son, CW is only three, but he bowls pretty well. Thus, I have high expectations of him. I expect him to bowl over his average in competitions and WIN. As I began to yell in frustration at him  for fouling twice in row, I realized that I am a "Tiger Mom" and MORE. It killed me that he wasn't bowling well and I get couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to get on the lane and make him concentrate and bowl the way he does daily.

My sister was in awe. She couldn't believe how I was acting, and she thought I lost my mind. (I think everyone who was watching thought I lost my mind.) I couldn't help it. Something took over me. I wanted my son to succeed and I felt he wasn't doing his best. I was so angry at him, his bowling, the entire situation. I WANTED MY SON TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The fact that he wasn't was torture. I became a person that I didn't even know.

I am not sure how I am going to handle it when he begins playing other sports such as football and basketball. Hopefully, I can control this "Tiger Mom" impulse. I don't want to be an embarrassment to my son and his father. I am afraid they may disown me LOL.

I guess half of the battle is knowing and acknowledging this vice.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Are YOU Serious???

I don't have words for this...this is SHUT UP Pt.2!!! This is why toddlers feel they can disrespect adults, ESPECIALLY women. I'm going to say a few extra prayers tonight.

"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I needed to vent after one of my 4 year old students told me to "SHUT UP" repeatedly. It was lunch time and I told the student he needed to wait until after lunch to eat his brownie. Little did I know that WW III was about to begin. The students hurries under the table and refuses to move. He won't listen to anyone and continues to say, "I want by brownie and I am not moving until I get it." As I try to get him to listen to reason he begins to shout "Shut up!, Shut up!, Shut up!" over and over again. Remind you this was in front of the entire class.

I was in dismay. I couldn't believe that a four year old could tell an adult to shut up repeatedly and didn't feel any remorse about it. After he calmed down he refused to apologize to me or his classmates. He didn't understand that he was being disrespectful and didn't understand why he was in trouble. So now I don't understand.

Are we setting a good example as parents? Are we teaching our children to be respectful of others, especially adults? Are we teaching our kids manners?

I think that CW is respectful of adults, especially his teachers. I know he is a mannerable young boy who knows never to say "shut up" to an adult. He has been told that, but I am not sure he will always listen. I am afraid of  how I would react if CW decided to tell an adult something so rude and disrespectful. I just hope I don't ever have that moment. I don't want my son's teacher or anyone else to tell me that my son was being disrespectful to adults and saying inappropriate comments.

From this incident I came to realization that WE ALL need to reinforce and reiterate the importance of respecting adults. I don't want CW's generation to become a generation of rude, inconsiderate human beings.


Today one of my students told me that he loved me. AWWWW...THAT'S SO SWEET right?.....No. This four year old is a smart, manipulative child and does everything for a reason. See...he tells me "I love you" every single day. He says that statement when he is in trouble. He is a likable young boy who I can't help but love.  He wants hugs all day long and he really does try his best, but he always finds a way to get into trouble and he never likes to follow directions.

Then, I thought about it. He is almost identical to my son. (They are both wearing the exact same colors today.) BOTH are spoiled by their families. Both are sweethearts who are extremely mischievous and manipulative. CW can be extremely manipulative, especially to family members. When CW gets into trouble, he tries to hug me and says "I love you, mommy so so much." Yes...sometimes I fall for it, but I am now hip to his game. I know what he is thinking and he gets some form of punishment (mostly a stern talking and a timeout).

However, both of these four year old boys make my day. I actually missed my student yesterday when he wasn't at camp. And of course I love my son more than I could ever say. Sometimes the most interesting, entertaining, and lovable kids are the ones who have more imperfections than others.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Class of SICKNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After an unexpected vacation, I am back at work. Even though I am still under the weather, I came to work with a positive attitude and ready to teach. What did my students come to school ready to do? GIVE ME THEIR COLDS. Yes...98% of my class is sick. They are sneezing, coughing, and constantly touching me with their running noses. I feel like I am getting sick all over again. I know who is the original culprit and of course he notices that I am sick. He stated, "Teacher, did I get you sick?". In my head I thought "Of course you got me sick and my son too." However, my response was politically correct. I stated, "Maybe you did or maybe you didn't. I am not sure.".

Now, you may wonder if CW attended camp today. The answer is: NO!!!!!!! As a parent I realize it is important to keep your child at home if he or she is sick. I hate when I get sick from students, so I wouldn't wish that on any other teacher. It is frustrating trying to teach when you are constantly sneezing and coughing and you have a headache. In fact, I would have taken today off, but I already lost money from Monday and Tuesday. The worst part about teaching summer school: You don't get paid if you don't work.

I know it is difficult to find a babysitter if your child has a cold. At times I have sent CW to school with a cold because I didn't want to bother my grandparents or anyone else. You may be thinking how hypocritical I am and maybe you are right. In the end, I AM bothering CW's teacher with HIS cold, which may lead to the teacher becoming sick as well. But what are my other options?

I just wished there was an easy way to fix this dilemma for all parties involved. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My Sickness is CW's Sickness

I began teaching Pre-K on June 26th. This is my summer job. My first experience being with children who are 4 and 5 all day long and boy it has been a challenge. Children constantly crying, asking to use the bathroom, pulling down their pants in front of my face, but the most difficult part of teaching Pre-K students: STAYING  HEALTHY.

I am using hand sanitizer, constantly washing my hands. I try to prevent them from sneezing on me. But, after 5 days of teaching I inherited an awful head cold from one of the  kids. I am having difficulties breathing. I have a soar and itchy throat and I am constantly coughing. Between my sinuses and this cold I just want to sleep all day long and try to get better. However this is no longer my priority.

My son NOW has the cold. It began late last night. Hesneezed and coughed all night long. He woke up this morning with a itchy throat and began sneezing on his parents. (He woke up at 6:30am energetically stating, "Mommy I'm Sick".) You would think being sick would slow him down a little bit, but it hasn't. He is a ball of energy that has to be held down to get his nebulizer treatment. He acknowledges that he is sick, but he refuses to let this ruin his 4th of July. He isn't tired and refuses a nap. He wants to continue to run around, wiping his nose, coughing, and saying "Mommy, look at the tissue! I'm SICK!!!!!!".

The worst part is: I feel awful. He is sick because of me and my job. I will continue to indulge his every want and need (only for today). I will continue to let him sneeze and cough on me. I just hope this cold doesn't last for long or gets worse.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Sharing Issue

CW is an only child, but he is a special only child. You see...he is the first grandchild on both sides of the family. He is spoiled rotten by ALL family members and friends. It also doesn't help that he has an adorable smile and knows how to use it for good and evil. Big CW's brother calls him the "Golden Child." He says this because he refers to Big CW as the "Original Golden Child". I hate to say it, but I think he is right.

CW doesn't like to share. He is becoming more and more selfish every day. I acknowledge the fact that he has everything he wants. I mean...if you have ever seen his room you would think that you are at a playground. He has everything a 3, 4, 5, 6  and 7 year old would want. The bad part: he knows that all of his toys belongs to HIM and ONLY HIM. Yes, my son doesn't like to share at all. So my question is: How do I get him to share?

Last Thursday, CW had a semi-altercation in the gym daycare. He refused to give up the Mario Cart video game to a girl who was three or four years older than him. My son (a three year old) was so persistent in playing that finally the little girl gave up. This was after my son pushes her out the way repeatedly of course. CW was reprimanded by both parents and had to apologize, but the sharing is still an ongoing issue We discuss why it is important to share and why you should share. Every time he does share (which isn't often) we encourage the behavior, but it never lasts long.

See, as a teacher it is easy to make kids share. You give them a few options. Option One: Share, so both can continue to play. Option Two: Timeout until you are willing to share. Option Three: The object is taken away from the both of them. Normally they choose Option One. But NOPE...that doesn't work for my son. He rather go to timeout and devise a plan to get what he wants OR he rather have the toy taken away from both parties. WHAT NORMAL CHILD DOES THAT? I just don't have an answer.

We, as his parents will continue to encourage sharing and giving him positive encouragement when he does share. Hopefully, sooner or later it will pay off. At least I know my son will always keep up with his belongings. He will tell you in a second if someone has something that belongs to him.


You would think a teacher would be more prepared to be a mother. The ANSWER IS NOT AT ALL. I have taken the classes: Human Growth and Development, Psychology (Child and Adult), etc. I study the different learning styles/techniques and how to implement them. I read what to expect from a child in different phases of his/her life. Hell, I have taught kids from the age of 3 to 20, but I have no answers for my Soon To Be 4 year old son. I love him with every part of me and more, but he DRIVES ME CRAZY! Sometimes I feel more equipped to teach and prepare other people's children than my own.

So, this is what my Blog entails: The life of a teacher and the journey of motherhood. Using what I know and my experiences with other children to ensure the future of my wonderful, inquisitive, energetic son (CW).