Saturday, July 7, 2012


Towards the end of the school year one of my students wrote an essay discussing her "Tiger Parents". She said that her parents didn't believe in failure and that it was necessary for her to be the best at everything, especially her studies. Her "Tiger Parents" are competitors and expect the same of her. She is expected to excel at all cost and is afraid that she won't meet her parents' expectations.

I began thinking about her and the essay today when my son participated in his bowling tournament. My son, CW is only three, but he bowls pretty well. Thus, I have high expectations of him. I expect him to bowl over his average in competitions and WIN. As I began to yell in frustration at him  for fouling twice in row, I realized that I am a "Tiger Mom" and MORE. It killed me that he wasn't bowling well and I get couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to get on the lane and make him concentrate and bowl the way he does daily.

My sister was in awe. She couldn't believe how I was acting, and she thought I lost my mind. (I think everyone who was watching thought I lost my mind.) I couldn't help it. Something took over me. I wanted my son to succeed and I felt he wasn't doing his best. I was so angry at him, his bowling, the entire situation. I WANTED MY SON TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The fact that he wasn't was torture. I became a person that I didn't even know.

I am not sure how I am going to handle it when he begins playing other sports such as football and basketball. Hopefully, I can control this "Tiger Mom" impulse. I don't want to be an embarrassment to my son and his father. I am afraid they may disown me LOL.

I guess half of the battle is knowing and acknowledging this vice.

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