Tuesday, July 24, 2012

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!! Part 3: Hitting, Pushing, and Kicking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last week, I was slapped in the face by a student. He was suspended from camp until Friday. His parents reprimanded him in front of the class. But, on his return he hit a teacher assistant and had to be reprimanded again.

After all the bad behavior he demonstrated last week, can you believe he came to camp with brand new Jordans? Yes, the Jordans that came out on 7/20. I am thinking it doesn't matter what this boy does he will get what he wants when he wants it.   Now I understand why he says, "No!!!" and "Shut up" when he doesn't get his way. HE IS SPOILED ROTTEN AND WHEN HE DOESN'T GET HIS WAY HE HAS A TANTRUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I am not surprise today when he got into trouble and went ABSOLUTELY CRAZY. He pushed another student into the water fountain. He told an assistant to shut up as he tried to kick him. Then, he ran around the building screaming "LEAVE ME ALONE!" to the Dean of Students.

I don't blame him for his actions. He doesn't know better. If I was his age I would do whatever I wanted if I knew that I would get whatever I wanted. He doesn't understand that there are repercussions for specific behaviors AND he WON'T LEARN until his parents teach him.

Dealing with this child has taught me to be consistent with my son and give him consequences for bad behavior. I don't want my son to be anything like this little boy. I want to ensure my son knows that there are consequences for some of your actions. This whole experience has been enlightening.

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